
Sample of Character B

This is a character color sample page.  Rough idea how or what the character B will look like.


Game Preview

This is the first preview of what I hope will be a game I will complete.  I created all of it with Photoshop.  I do not have all of the elements yet made in the scene.  I will add another character that the other guy will attack or hit.  I think its like a Versus style game or shooting type with platforms.


Colored Preview of Game Character

This is a few poses I came up with for a video game character I created.  I sketched it out first, scanned it into Photoshop, and colored it.


New Game Art Idea!

This is an idea that I sketched out for a game.  This is a draft of a character you may use in the game.  These are not the final drawings yet.  I did draw out one of the enemies that will also be in the game.  I may post it soon.  The game is still in the pre-production or designing stage.  I will try and update what I am doing.

Update on game progress.

Well I just got word that our game is coming together nicely.  I few more tweaks to do from what my friend said to me.  We are thinking it will be out hopefully in January 2012.  I will keep updates on the release.

I also hope to put some more artwork up soon.