
Moving to another website.

Hi to anyone who is viewing and has viewed my blog. I am letting you know that I am going to be moving my artwork on a website called Behance.net.  I will still keep my thoughts on the blog, but I will be posting my artwork on this new site from now on. I think it will work better for me. I appreciate anyone who has made time to look at my artwork and hope that you will be able to see more of my future work on the Behance site. Thanks!


Missouri Welcome Signage

The above is the original shot I took. It was on the border of Iowa and Missouri line. Coming into Missouri from Iowa. The bottom photo was changed an enhanced in Photoshop CS2.


Start to Current Progression of "Dragon's Kiss" Digital Illustration.

The top image is the original drawing scan. I hand drew the image on paper first. The bottom image is a current preview of the progress of my digital illustration piece I am working on. I am using Photoshop to color it.



Writing Sample for Graphic Design 1 class.

The Theta Story

By: Jason Embree
References (ehow.com and Wikipedia.com)

Hey, my name is Theta. WAIT…DON’T GO!  I am the 8th letter of the Greek alphabet.  I was born around the 15th century.  In my early years, I was written as a cross or x shape within a circle.  As time went on, I was then written as a line or point within a circle.  The point or dot was called a circumpunct.  I also have a half-brother that was a Cyrillic letter called Fita. (Put hand on the side of mouth) We don’t like to talk about him much.

In archaic times, I was used as a symbol for the Earth.  I was used for Celtic crosses too. I am used in economics, mathematics, and physics to name a few.  Some think that I am an unlucky number.  My symbol was used by judges on their ballots in passing condemnation onto a prisoner.  My symbol represented a warning of death too.  So it seems that I may be an intimidating letter, but I don’t think of myself as that.


Design 1 Project Portfolio Samples

 These are 5 projects I completed in Design I class.  Most of my projects I used black construction paper on white Bristol board paper.  The 3rd image was a group project.  The 4th image was a photo project.  Used my digital camera to photograph the six images.  Most of the images were cleaned up in Photoshop.


One Point Perspective Sample

One point perspective drawing done on my bamboo tablet.  It was a quick sketch out to practice drawing perspectives. The chest is a two point perspective drawing.  I have the eye point where the drawing starts or focus at; and then a horizon line and two points at the end to show where my 2 point perspective starts.



This is a new piece I did recently.  Hand drew the couple and the hearts with curvilinear lines.  Scanned it into Photoshop and colored, used filters and other techniques to achieve this artwork.
I really enjoy showing emotion and color in my illustrations in this piece.  I hope you all enjoy!


Punk Cat

A drawing of a punk style cat. Used pencil to draw it.

Imagination through books

Sketched from my mind.  Used pencil for the drawing and then scanned it in Photoshop.  Added some text to the drawing and used a gradient on the text.


Suited Mouse Illustration

A new addition to my artwork.  Hand drew it in pencil.  Scanned it into the computer and used Photoshop to color, shade, highlight and more. A mouse ready for the town.


Calvin and Hobbes Fan Art

These are different stages I did during the process of completing my piece.  Used pencil to sketch it out, then scanned it into Photoshop, digitally inked, colored, and use various effects in Photoshop.


Action Pose Sketch


I took this photo of this leaf at Fort Bellefontaine near north St. Louis County.  I applied a glass distortion, filters like a gradient and light effect, and hue and saturation.


Sketch of Calvin and Hobbes

This is a sketch I did of the comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes.  Created it with pencil.  I am currently working on coloring and shading the drawing.  I hope to show different stages of the art work.

Rough sketch and color of weapon ideas.

These are a few weapon ideas I drew up and colored to give me an idea on what they would look like colored.  These may not be the final colors, but it give me a rough idea what they will look like.  These weapons are for a game I am designing and the images are going with the game below.  The images of the game below, have a tree, clouds and a guy character in the scene.  So these weapons will be used in that game.


Background scene

I changed the background and added a few things to make it stand out more.  This is an updated background of a video game I am creating.  The images and game is still in development stage.  Done image in Photoshop.

This background I took out the rocks.


Sample of Character B

This is a character color sample page.  Rough idea how or what the character B will look like.